Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What the 2013?

Well it's the new Year.
So i guess i'm feeling mildly ambitious along with about 89% of the rest of the people in the world.
So happy January second; the hardest day of the year to find a parking spot in the Golds Gym parking lot.
Instead of pretending like i am actually gonna go to the gym on a regular basis this year (like i did last year), i'm just gonna blog instead.

This year better be a good one.
It definitely will be eventful.
Going back to school in a week and i can't WAIT!
amazing right? I never thought i'd say that.
And i'm sure that after trudging around campus in the freezing cold for a week that excitement will be gone and i'll go right back to being burnt out, and sick of reading, with a stomach full of dr. pepper and ramen noodles.
But for now, i'll just be excited i guess.

Also i love Freddy Prince Jr.
And Suzy for giving me this movie.
Boys and Girls.
Look it up.

Goodnight Guys.
More Later....maybe.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rules?...who breaks rules?

Alright so, we have this little goal for the new year. (Whenever i say we on the blog, you can just assume i am speaking for both Viva and myself, because until we get boyfs..which will be never because we are both way too hard to handle, we are one another's other halves.)Anyways, our goal: To be More Social. or friendly, however you want to put it. So tonight Viva texted up one of the many admirers she has in our ward and got the details on Family Home Evening tonight...and to our happy surprise, it was A STAKE DANCE! yes. you know we hit up that party. So we roll up, so excited, ready to socialize....and then...everyone was weird. who could have guessed?

luckily they had some wonderful vegetables and ranch.

They also had some really fun decorations. Which Viva proceeded to rip off the walls and stick on herself, and everyone's back as they left.

As we all know though, the devil comes out after 10:00 so the stake dance ended at 9:45.
Fill in the next five hours with some driving, some caffeine, a nice documentary on graffiti, rice, salt and vinegar Pringles, and boom. we arrive at our next event of the evening. this is the part where our ability to follow the rules gets a little hazy. how about i just give you a nice picture montage and you fill in the blanks.

Any ideas yet?...

Now i bet you've got it..

Please don't call the cops on us.
Love you Elder (:

Monday, February 6, 2012


Sometimes..i spend hours re decorating a blog that i only post on once a month, instead of cleaning my room, going grocery shopping, doing my homework, going to the gym, or sleeping --all rarities is my world.

Sometimes i am walking through Macey's looking for the good kind of Salsa and i just happened to walk down the hair dye aisle, and this happens...

Sometimes, i lock my keys in my car after i have only had my car for a week, and i have to call the 1800kiarocks number, so the nice man with the little balloon door opening gadgets will come and save me. and sometimes while i am waiting i hang out in Deseret book for an hour and read the entire missionary handbook and buy a copy of Jesus the Christ..(by the way, much thicker than i expected)

Sometimes making the responsible decision instead of the fun one, really bites.

Sometimes.. we have really bad weeks. the kind of weeks that really suck a lot. but then, we finish the Book of Mormon for the first time ever, go to all three classes on Sunday (i know i should be doing this more often), pay tithing that has been adding up for ages, hit the 60 day mark on consistent scripture reading, get an Email from an Elder we miss very much, and it feel good.

Sometimes i go to class and i love it. Other times i hate it.

Sometimes..Viva and i are mature, and we pass notes in Relief society as the teacher goes on about how immodesty and sexual emotions will send us straight to hell on a flaming chariot.

Sometimes i go to class and i love it. Other times i hate it.

Sometimes, work is so slow that i sit up at the hostess podium and scroll through my coupon app on my phone, and write down all the awesome free stuff you get get on your birthday so me and Viva can totally score next week.

Sometimes i go ten minutes on the stair stepper at the gym, for the first time since last summer, and it feels AWESOME.

Sometimes, i blog..when i should be taking a shower and washing the gross tan/gym smell off of me.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What i'm into lately..

So i am taking a creative writing class this semester, the only class that i can completely confidently say that i LOVE.
but i have to read a poem in front of the class next Thursday, so stay tuned to hear if that changes.
Anyways my teacher for this class, Emily Dyer, is the greatest teacher i have ever had.
she rocks.
and if i could be like her when i grow up..it would be pretty awesome.
anyways the way she runs her classroom is super laid back, she lets us do our own thing, figure out what we like to write and are best at, and just gives us general assignments that we can run with.

So i am starting to decide what i'm into.
First of all, my favorite writing tool is Humor.
cuz i am a smart A.
and it is like a hybrid between, reality and..not.
i like to call it exaggerated nonfiction (or maybe just exactly how my life would be if i was on a sitcom)
in my teachers words, we are supposed to tell a story, but if we make a little up, or tell a lie, she won't know will she?
So that is what i do. i write stories that are real, or that have happened to me, but in the most hilarious possible way.
Like.. i always think in my brain, 'it would have been a lot funnier if he had done this, or said that, or i had, or whatever'
So here we go. a little taste of my exaggeration for the sake of a good laugh.
everyone who is reading this heard the real live story, and will know just how much of it is real.
If anyone else is reading this... give it a good guess. (:
The assignment was to write a paper about an interview.

Quite The Run Around
“So, I was wondering,” as he fumbled to pull my change out of the till, “Could get your phone number, so I can take you out on a date sometime?” Me, being me, of course, I panicked, spit out some cluttered words that in my brain were meant to be clever but by the time they hit my mouth it just sounded like they came from a completely separate language, something inhuman, followed by seven clearly stated numbers. 'YES!' I got asked out. That had never happened before, well, not really. Not to mention, by a guy that I have been wanting to talk to for months, but too scared. He was nearly a part of my daily routine at this point. He worked at the only gas station between my apartment, and my home away from home, which was La Jolla Groves restaurant, where I worked almost everyday. If I was ever in need of a tank of gas on my way home, to insure that my car would start in the morning, or a Red Bull, knowing that I wouldn't be sleeping tonight, but studying instead, this was my go-to guy. He was just the right amount taller than me to be impressive, but not towering, had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and dimples to the likes of which I had never seen anything comparable. Yea, I guess he had caught my attention one or two times before.
So a few text messages later, the date was set for the following night: time of departure; 7:00, activities for the evening; unknown. I still felt uncomfortable with this whole dating thing so I was too nervous to ask. Plus I figured my fear to sound stupid In asking what the plan was would translate in his boyish mind into me being laid back, or cool with anything. He came to pick me up and about fifteen minutes into the date, it was evident that about the only thing we had in common, was a love for those dimples of his I mentioned earlier. I mean, the evening went well enough. We had dinner, and went laser tagging, learned to salsa dance at a small dance club on Center Street, and later faced off in an intense few rounds of Mario Cart, which I of course, being the lady that I am, allowed him to win. Honestly, it was a really good time, but as I alluded to earlier, the more the evening went on, the more I learned about my date, at quite a rapid pace, might I add. Maybe he was just proud of his accomplishments, or trying to impress me, but either way, the evening was a perfect candidate for my 'Interview' assignment.
I learned that gas station boy (I will call him that because it seems like Provo is a really small world, and I wouldn't want to offend anyone) runs track for UVU. Well, he used to at least. He has been running for them for the past two years since he got off of his mission to Montana. The only reason he isn't running this year is because he did something awful to his ankle which summed up to be about five minutes of nonsensical medical jargon that while he explained, I started writing my intro for this paper in my brain. When I snapped back into the conversation, or maybe speech would be a better term, he had moved on to tell me about his roommates, and in case you were thinking that was an odd transition, don't worry, one of his roommates also runs track, so really, it made complete sense.
This roommate also worked at the same convenience store as he did, just at the other location, at the mouth of the Provo Canyon. (Am I giving away too much information about gas station boy?) By the time I met them later that evening I felt like I already knew them all, especially the one that he explained, not to sound rude, to be a bit of a nerd, who came running out with a towel on five minutes after I got there and said, “Hey, I thought I heard a girl in here?” Then proceeded to turn bright red and shrink back into the bathroom when I poked my head from around the corner. He also went on to tell me that he took ballroom dancing lessons at UVU which is why he is SO good at Salsa Dancing. That was a direct quote, so I used it a bit satirically, but in all honesty he was pretty impressive on the dance floor. He also laser tags all the time, which is a good reason I shouldn't feel bad that he kicked my trash.
There was only one thing all night I really couldn't get him talking about and it was a bit disappointing. The original plan was to ice skate in lieu of laser tagging, but after we parked and as he walked up to the door, he looked inside then turned around and said, “On second thought, lets go laser tagging.” When I asked him why the abrupt change of plans his response was, “well, my brother is in there.”
“Wow, you must really hate your brother!” I laughed.
He just looked at me, not even a hint of a smile on his face and said, “You know those guys who ice skate in the fruity little outfits and do spins and crap?”
“You're brother is a figure skater?” I asked, still laughing. He just didn't respond. There was about a three minute awkward silence, and right as I was about to start getting nervous that he was going to just kick me out of the car, he delved into talking about his Major and future career plans and we were set.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yes, i'm still posting....My Object Essay: The Penny

Have you ever felt lost? Have you ever felt like out of every person, and every thing, and every sound, and sight and taste, and smell, like you were just blending in; you were washing away with the tides; blowing away with the wind? Sometimes as I drive down the street I look to the people in the cars around me and wonder: 'Where have they been?', “What have they done?', 'Where will they go?'. Walking in to the convenience store I filled my drink at the machines and carried it to the register. “Just a refill today?” the tired man behind the counter asked.
“Yes, That's all.” He tapped a few keys and asked me for a grand total of seventy four cents. I handed him three quarters and he popped the till. What he handed back to me I thought nothing of. I wrapped my fist around the cool round of copper, grabbed my drink and headed to my car, forgetting it was even there. I opened my fist to pull my car door handle and I heard the quiet clinking of the copper hitting asphalt. My initial thought was to just continue on my way; to get into my car and drive to my next stop, but as I looked to the ground I watched the small, worn, miniscule representation of currency roll about a foot southbound from where it fell and land face up near the front wheel of my car. Remembering the old riddle from my childhood, and being the superstitious believer in luck that I am, I picked the coin up and flipped it between my pointer finger and thumb for a moment before climbing into my car and dropping it into the empty cup-holder on my right.
My day went on as it normally would. I went through the basic routine: go to school, grab the mail, change my clothes, go to work, make some dinner, settle down, do some homework, and finally lie down. Nothing extraordinary took place. I did not win the lottery. I did not solve world hunger. I didn't find a ten dollar bill on the ground. I did not land an internship I was after. No form of luck rewarded me in any way for rescuing that meaningless coin from between the yellow lines in the convenience store parking lot. Then I began to think. Why was I expecting reward from such a rewarding item in the first place. Who knows where this coin had been, or what it had meant to those who held it before I did. Something held of such low esteem to the majority of our vast American population, could have done great things in it's past, just like anything else that wanders.
Where had this coin been? Had it clinked against others of it's kind in the pocket of a great man: a senator or a congressman? Had it scratched the final circle on the lottery ticket that had won a family millions? Had it been the coin to flip with a bet on the line, tails meaning tragedy for one and solace for the opposing? Maybe it had been the final piece to something greater. The last coin needed, found on some cold black piece of ground, that a poor man needed to buy something to eat. It may have been the saving grace to a girl, stranded, in need of just enough to use the nearest payphone. Where had it been? What had it seen? What would it be like to know what this small coin knows?
Suddenly I felt an overwhelming sense of envy for this penny, this item branded by society as useless and miniscule, but as I looked it over, and contemplated it's life, it's meaning, all I could help but see was this beautiful object; it had been minted the same year as I, but it had surely seen so much more.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Evaluative Conclusion

No more blogging!? how sad.
just kidding.

One thing that i can definitely evaluate about this semester is that, we are definitely not in high school anymore.
This means several things:

1. Not doing our homework, is not an option. It's not against the law for us not to be here, therefor doing what is required, is our responsibility, and there is no leeway in that.

2. Not going to class, though it is an exciting idea that we do HAVE that option now, and we don't need a parents signature, is never a good idea. you miss important information. every, SINGLE class day is important. no exceptions.

3. Coming to school in your scrubs (aka sweats and a t shirt with your hair tied, tired eyes and no makeup on) isn't the social norm anymore. when your first class it at eleven, and you show up to school looking like you just rolled out of bed, people will look at you funny. and rightfully so.

4. And lastly, studying, is something i will actually have to do now. actually sitting down and studying for hours for tests, is a whole new world for me. i never did it once in high school. i mean, my school was pretty much as simple as they come, 2A, and every teacher was also the coach of something. so talk about HUGE transition in course load, but i have slowly started to pick up on it.

i really do love this school so much. i love the teachers and the classes i have and the way that all of my teachers run their classrooms, central to the gospel. it is so fascinating. but i definitely need to step up my game if i am going to stick it out here at BYU. i don't want to go to a different school, even though the laid back class schedules and frequently cancelled classes of my roommates attending UVU are tempting. it wouldn't be the same. and it wouldn't be nearly as incredible of an experience. i have earned every single one of my mediocre grades this semester, and as sad is that is, i have accepted it, and decided to look forward to next semester with a more serious attitude.

i loved this class. i learned so much from it. the in depth instruction on how to write each individual paper is something that i am positive i will use throughout the remainder of my time here at BYU. i would like to apologize for my frequent lack of punctuality though, it was very rude, and unnecessary. i don't have an excuse i am just sorry. it's all a part of my 'to fix' list for next semester.
thank you for a wonderful experience you guys.
you rock.


Easy Question.

Someone who had great meaning for me at some time during my past experiences?
This chick right here.

What a babe right?
this is my momma.
yep. i'm a baby. and i'm writing about my mother.
embrace it.

this woman is a champ.
she was a nightmare when she was my age.
obviously,i mean check out that skirt (a little bit scandy there staci)
but she grew up, and she figured it out
obviously, rockin the temple dress.

she is my best friend. a total geek sometimes (lets be honest, most the time)
but i always have fun with her
i always love talking to her
and she has taught me the right (and some of the wrong) ways to do things, through example.
i love her for it.
i had a real childhood, and a real life thanks to this woman.
and i learned so much from it, and am a better person for it.
momma, since i know you blogstalk me, i love you. you rock. (: